Your digital receptionist


For many companies, a fully virtual reception was considered a distant possibility for a long time. But that was before the coronavirus, of course. At the same time, many small and medium-sized businesses have already opted for an unmanned reception, and most new companies do not budget for it from the start. Creating digital interfaces for a better personal experience is something Dynabyte is passionate about. The opportunities to enhance both customer experiences and work tasks are incredibly exciting and something we believe will be central to all technological development in the future. So how can we meet each other in a personal way with the help of technology going forward? Marley is an explorer project where we try to answer that question and see how far we can take it.

The human code

From an unmanned welcome to a personal first impression. Companies without a manned reception can create a technically-driven and often soulless first impression. With Marley, we prioritize the human interaction from the beginning through the use of digital interfaces.From an unmanned welcome to a personal first impression. Companies without a manned reception can create a technically-driven and often soulless first impression. With Marley, we prioritize the human interaction from the beginning through the use of digital interfaces.

The social code

From digital reception > to new digital meeting platform. Starting in a controlled environment and developing solutions for how we create better human meetings in a technological world is the perfect starting point for creating a range of digital, virtual services that improve our professional everyday life.

The digital code

In the Marley Project, we have had to use our entire toolbox. Parts of the system are traditional development with the implementation of processes and functions. Additionally, we have user interaction, both in the form of computer vision and dialog flows, which place demands on both technical expertise and machine learning algorithms. The solution is being built as a SaaS solution and places high demands on security, availability, and performance.