Kotlin and SpringBoot

Are you curious about Kotlin and Spring Boot? During the evening, Alexander will show how to set up a REST API using Spring Boot with Kotlin. We will talk about both Spring Boot itself but use it as a starting point around Kotlin, its functions, and syntax.

Tonight’s Dynabyte TechTalk is a continuation of the first introduction held about Kotlin where we talked more about the basics of the language and its syntax. No prior knowledge is required for tonight’s TechTalk.

The starting point is an API that Alexander has built that is available at https://github.com/alexandersundstrom/rest. There is a lot of functionality in place, such as logging in using JSON Web tokens, email notifications, database connectivity, Swagger, filters, Docker, and more.

There is more to show and talk about than can fit into the evening, so it is quite possible that we will also add a third occasion if there is interest!
