
We are dynabyte.

Development is ongoing!

Our history.

Dynabyte has helped companies with its digital development since 2001. The founders Anders Lentell (CEO) and Alexander Lidvall (CFO) remain actively involved in the company that today has grown to 40 employees. More than 20 years in the industry means that we see technological development as a natural evolution rather than a digital revolution. A state of constant development, not a destination. In other words: Development is ongoing! This is how our yesterday, our everyday lives today and our common future tomorrow are connected.

Since September 2020 we are also part of QGroup. Together we are 900+ experts in all fields of modern development. We cover Software Development, IT Strategi, Cyber Security, Data Science, IT Infrastructure, Digital Strategies and much more. More to come...

Some dynabyters




The human code: On my journey towards middle age, I discover the joy and commitment of my family. Especially my two sons and my partner. Over the years, I have noticed that I tend to geek out on various things, like running, playing the guitar, and brewing beer.

The social code: At work, I appreciate an open and creative environment where the team helps each other to develop. I thrive best with clear goals that I gladly help to define and achieve. Starting from the perspective of the customer/user is something that I increasingly see the value and joy in.

The digital code: In the role of a developer, I love to understand fundamental computer science problems in depth, as well as choosing the right tools to solve them. In the role of a tech lead, I've realized the importance of a well-functioning workflow and a system design that is well-rooted in the business.

#C# #Fullstack #Techlead




The human code: I am a positive, driven, and outgoing person who strives to bring out the best in both myself and others.

The social code: I am a skilled communicator and thrive in an environment where we work together towards a common and clear goal.

The digital code: I love problem-solving - in all its forms! Ideally, I work full-stack with a focus on the backend. Professional development is important to me and right now, I'm expanding my knowledge in Python and Machine Learning.

#C# #React #SQL

Consultant & Team manager



The human code: Active and social person who always has something going on. Loves to exercise and consume music, preferably by going to concerts. Driven by the interaction with other people which is one of the main driving forces as a consultant in project management, where the network of new relationships has grown over the years.

The social code: Likes to be challenged and to create clear communication, which is the key to a successful collaboration and outcome in a project. Always has a vision that everything can be streamlined and aims to identify areas for improvement. Change is a natural part of their work, to test and evaluate. Always concerned that their team has what they need on both an individual and team level. Appreciates transparency as it facilitates the path to a successful project.

The digital code: I have always been passionate about working with projects and teams that create value within different businesses according to their needs. I thrive best when I come to a customer where it can be chaotic, with the goal of setting up a functioning process with frameworks that suit both the team and the business. Especially interested in agile methods over traditional project management. I enjoy immersing myself in literature and courses on agile methods to get ideas even though the best way is to take learning from projects over the years.


Right now: we're recruiting!